spiess_witt: omg
with their work „omg“ (internet acronym for „oh my god!“) frank spiess and peter michael witt explore how the artificial intelligence of alexa & co can be instrumentalised in a philosophical-religious context. what happens when digital voice assistants are brought into a dialogue as representatives of world religions? what aesthetic interferences occur? do we become ear-witnesses of a post-dadaist meta-nonsense situation? or does the installation simply reflect the current inability of the world’s religions to enter into a globally effective, peacemaking conversation with each other?

#computerart #artificialintelligence #ai #religiousart #islamicchristiandialogue #digitalart #googlehome #googlehomeart #frankspiess Computerkunst Digitale Kunst Künstliche Intelligenz Islamisch-Christlicher Dialog Google Home Kunst Frank Spieß