the end of postmodernism part one
when i first encountered postmodern thinking as a student (paul feyerabend, wider den methodenzwang), i was fascinated by the fact that it expressed my discomfort with academia and seemed to provide an answer to how the stubborn and boring, downright hostile progress in knowledge could be revitalised.
but later i saw the fatal consequences of postmodern thinking in our society and consider it to be an aberration within modern thinking:
postmodernism was and is a reactionary project. its advantages (greater freedom of thought and design) do not outweigh its disadvantages (greater singularisation, arbitrariness). it is a failed reaction within modernity to modernity. it has led to an incomprehensible softening of presuppositions of thought (categories, logic, etc.), to the replacement of the intellectual discipline of science by the loquacity of poetry, to indifference to elementary questions of justice and power in politics, and to cultural arbitrariness and irresponsibility. my work „the end of postmodernism“ takes up the untrue claim of poststructuralists that the world is text. from a philosophical point of view, it may represent a strong simplification of problems of cognition and truth. on the other hand, i am concerned with representing the oscillation around a cognition that circles around the worldliness of the world and not around an imiganated, purely subjective centre.